TGIF: Believers

And it’s Friday again! It has been another incredible week for Inspiring Capital, with 100+ attendees at our Meetup, awesome follow-up from Nexus last week, and some former-life connections resurfacing. So lots to be grateful for, but most of all this week, Thank Goodness I’ve Friends is dedicated to the Believers. Two of them in particular.



Any entrepreneur, manager, or employee for that matter, knows that colleagues matter. A lot. They are one of the most important factors in determining our satisfaction with work. Forbes‘ national survey puts coworker relationships in the Top 3, above salary. And Jim Collins preaches ‘who before what,’ as the principle behind ‘getting the right people on the bus.’

For a brand new startup, the people are even more important, because there are fewer of them, and they have a lot of influence over the company’s performance, evolution, and culture. And they have to be believers: Steve Blank just wrote that founding teams need “vision, passion and skill to communicate why [a] seemingly crazy idea will work and change the world”.

So I am extremely grateful that I found and managed to convince two awesomely talented, creative, intelligent, and fun to work with believers to contribute to Inspiring Capital. Thank you, Yael and James – we’re just getting started! Keep believing!